We all desire to have a successful career and loving relationships in our lives. To be recognized for all that we do and to have plenty of money in our bank accounts to fulfill all of our desires.
We crave to have our voice be heard and to know the secret of how to ask for what we want…and actually receive it.
Let me guess, if you are reading this your desires are bigger than most people around you and that might scare you. You may be unsure if they will become a reality for you, although deep inside you know you are meant for greatness. Something inside is calling you…
- You realize how hard you’ve been working and you are tired of feeling exhausted.
- It makes you feel good to give to others, but you are starting to feel resentful because you know there’s never enough time for taking care of yourself and focusing on your desires.
- You realize that you have been holding back from claiming your true power, because you are afraid of outshining those around you, where you might end up alone or being called the “bitch”.
- You feel that the only way to get what you want is if you work hard, if you please everyone and hold it all together. Everything looks great from the outside, but inside you have lost your spark.
- You’ve been taught to be the "good girl" that everyone likes…and you put so much pressure on holding this image, that forget to listen to your true needs and desires. Secretly, you compare yourself to others constantly, and look at everything you are doing wrong.
- You feel like you are stuck in a cage, and the only way out is by pushing and working harder. But that only leads to exhaustion, and repeating the same patterns over again.
- You desire beauty, success and the finer things in life but you feel guilty and ashamed to admit it, for fear of being judged, so you play small and continue the pleasing cycle.
…and you are aware that playing small is not an option anymore.
But Sometimes You Just Want Someone to Tell You How to Do It. You are Done Feeling Frustrated, Like Things Only Work for Others but Not for You.
If you’re having any of these experiences, the good news is that you’re not alone. Most women with a desire to be successful and empowered in their lives are feeling this way.
It was certainly my own personal story before uncovering how to access my power as a woman. I’ve seen it first hand in coaching many women from around the world.
The truth is that most women have learned that the only way for them to be successful and have everything they want, they have to do everything from their masculine, where all you do is push harder to get what you want. As little girls we experienced the feminine as weak and disempowered.
Here's the good news, once you learn how to live empowered in your feminine, being so connected with your receiving, that opens up the doors of the cage that used to make you feel trapped and you become free to fly out into the world.
How does NOT being integrated with your feminine can affect you as you are growing your business?
You experience frustration because you are pushing, working too hard in your business, yet this piece of knowing how to balance your feminine feels so foreign to you that you are unsure how to create success and have a constant flow of abundance in your life.
You feel like something is missing because you are not feeling fulfilled within yourself, and this translates into lack of clarity in your business, and as a result you have inconsistent clients and money coming in.
You have been using the masculine as a way of operating in the world, and you are afraid that if you connect with your feminine, you will become weak, and won’t be able to achieve success.
You may not be aware of it, but these are all symptoms that you are blocked in your receiving. Most women are conditioned to give and give, leaving themselves for last, and they go through their entire lives feeling disempowered and dissatisfied or, they learned to operate from their masculine, but deep inside they feel exhausted and empty.
Receiving is the Gateway to Being an
Empowered Feminine Woman
Once you feel fully empowered in your feminine, and you know how to receive, that opens up the doors of the cage where you feel trapped and you become free to fly out into the world.
And once your winds are spread and you fly out, you are radiant, you get things done in an easier, more enjoyable way because you now know how to receive. You are not overpowering those around you, you are not a bitch, you are in a place of radiance and beauty and from there you give from a more filled way.
You also know how to ask for what you want without apology, because fear of being liked and accepted is gone. You are in full charge of yourself and you know who are, you don’t need those around you to approve of you anymore.
What is receiving and why it is essential for us women to learn how to receive?
The receiving is directly connected to the feminine and most women have not been taught how to connect with their feminine essence growing up.
In ancient times women received mentoring from their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, women in their family and in this modern age most of us don’t have that collective support we require in order to feel fully supported in the world.
In other words, this part of us has been lost for many generations now and it is up to us to claim it back.
Our modern world was built upon a masculine model that has been successful in many ways for generations. Even though it added to the evolution of the planet, many women today are suffering the consequences of having followed this model, mainly because women require a different model in order to thrive. We also learned to operate in this way in order to achieve success and our desires, but what we didn’t know is that for US, this is a recipe for burnout.
Receiving is Your Ability as a Woman to
Welcome Things into Your Life,
Without Feeling Guilty or Shameful for It.
By you allowing yourself to receive, not only you can create a rocking business and beautiful relationships that are meaningful and fulfilling, RECEIVING has the power to bring into your life all of your heart’s desires.
Our Ability to Connect with the Energy of
Receiving through Our Femininity IS Our Power.
It is from this place that we are able to tap into our most powerful self and by connecting with both feminine and masculine energies (which I will teach you exactly how on this course), we can open ourselves to receive fully and create the life of our dreams.
Many women entrepreneurs are still following the masculine way of doing business and life and this model is all about pushing and doing, leaving the feminine with little room to play, enjoy, create and manifest, not to mention, feeling exhausted, depleted and completely blocked from their ability to receive.
I’d like to invite you to explore a new way of being as a woman in the world…
In this 7-Week Home Study Course, I’ll reveal exactly how you can:
- Have access to a different kind of power, a power that is not forced but comes effortless and it allows you to create, manifest and call in every desire of your heart
- Have a successful business, without feeling that you are sacrificing your feminine in the process
- Become the magnet who attracts abundance to you effortlessly
- Know how to make yourself your #1 priority
- Bring more ease, fun and beauty into your life
- Create loving, connected, healthy and beautiful relationships in your business and life
The Unapologetic Receiving Course is specifically designed to assist you to step into your full feminine power without sacrificing your success.
By doing this course, in a very short time, my clients have completely transformed their lives and are now allowing themselves to receive at levels that they couldn’t have never imagined.
It is a fun, interactive experience where you will feel fully supported and held acceptable to easily implement each week’s topic and watch your life transform before your eyes.
What Women Are Saying…
I’ve experienced immediate and exciting results from the Unapologetic Receiving Course. I've connected with my desire to build my brand as a fashion expert and personality. In addition to having a dynamic website, I'd like to get press impressions, contribute as a writer and do television appearances. In connecting with my feminine, I've attracted new opportunities like crazy. A few of those have been in love and I am focusing on maintaining my feminine energy in dating situations. I've allowed men to do the 'hunting' and allowed myself to receive. This has opened up an entirely new world for me – sensually and emotionally. In terms of work, I've started saying yes to every opportunity that comes my way (and I connect with emotionally). This included a photo shoot for Redbook magazine in their current April issue, SO exciting! I’m continuing to bring balance in my life. I buy flowers every week and it provides me with beauty first thing in the morning. I've maintained an exercise and meditation routine as well.
Jennifer Barthole New York City
I was initially attracted to the course because it resonated with my recent desire this past fall to understand my feminine power and how to let it come out more into the world. I have been ready to start looking for opportunities that would help me to change so that I could start to truly create a life of my desires. Also, receiving unapologetically felt so new to me, and I was intrigued to learn more.
From the course, I have been receiving tons of insight into how to let go of past blocks, how to change the way I think, how to simply just be more and trust the world, how to appreciate pleasure and self care without guilt, and to how to start receiving on a new level. I feel so many big changes coming and am starting to really receive in a new way. It has been wonderful and I don't want it to end!
Laurel Gail McCloskey
New Mexico, USA
After the Unapologetic Receiving Course You Will…
- Be the confident and empowered woman you know you were born to be.
- Know how to ask for what you want and receive the support you require to run a successful business while still enjoying yourself and the relationships in your life.
- Be open to receive wealth and abundance effortlessly.
- Be able to claim your feminine presence and power in every relationship of your life.
- Have the tools to make yourself your #1 priority every day, effortlessly, without feeling guilty for it.
- Know how to connect with your desires, without holding back and trusting that they are already becoming a reality for you.
Investment only $197.00
My Receiving Story
Hello my name is Paula Lacobara and this subject of receiving was a big challenge in my life. I grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am the second born child (first girl) of a family of 4 children. Having a special needs older brother taught me to be giving and to know that there was always going to be someone who needed me. It felt like I had a purpose, to the point that I would attract relationships in my life where I would always be needed. Due to my brother’s condition and having two younger sisters, I learned that if I fully allowed myself to receive, I would be taking away from others.
After years of following the same patterns, I started to feel frustrated, depleted and unrecognized as I was working so hard in making sure everyone’s needs around me were met, leaving myself for last. I soon realized that most people around me were so used to seeing me as the giver that they didn't even bother to give to me, in most cases because I was rejecting their help, and I did without even realizing it. The truth is that I didn't even know HOW TO RECEIVE, this concept sounded so foreign to me. In fact, I used to feel that I had to DO EVERYTHING BY MYSELF, that I didn’t want to BOTHER PEOPLE by asking for help, because if I did, I would feel awkward and uncomfortable. I was also afraid to be seen as selfish and I felt consistent guilt and shame around receiving. Growing up, I learned to anticipate the needs of everyone, at the cost of my own. This is why I had so much trouble asking for help and support.
By applying all the tools, practices and exercises that I will be teaching on this course, I was able to unlock my receiving channels and became unapologetic about it. Today I have everything I’ve always desired and the receiving of my beautiful life keeps expanding. Through the rituals I’ve created in my life, I am able to manifest even the most incredible opportunities, where most times I have to pinch myself. My bank account feels abundant and exciting, I get to travel the world with my love and soul mate. I live in a beautiful apartment in California and New York City area. I am surrounded by people who I love and adore. I run a very successful coaching business and I get to coach and do what I love with the most amazing women on the planet.
What’s Included in the Course…
7 Recorded Training Calls: You will have access to seven training calls where Paula will be sharing each week's content. Each call comes with a workbook that you can use as your guide through this receiving journey and it will support you to integrate and assimilate each week's teachings.
7 Recorded Q&A Calls: These calls are recordings with real life examples of women who already went through the receiving course. By listening to these calls, you will gain a deeper understanding and new insights from real life examples.
1 “Creating Space to Unapologetically Receive” Preparation Guide because my intention is for you to be fully prepared and start making space so when the course begins, you are already vibrating at this frequency.
7 Weekly Workbooks In order for you to anchor your learning, Paula has created a workbook for each training to complement the training calls. This is where you will have access to the exercises, tools and practices that you require in order to open your channels of receiving and start creating your desired life from day one of this course.
Opening your channels of receiving This week is all about setting the perfect foundation for you to receive. You will learn how to make space and clear unresolved and unfinished things in your life so you can fully and freely start connecting with the energy of receiving.
Connecting with your feminine essence This week is all about YOU and how to connect with your self value. You will challenge and transform old believes about the feminine. You will learn about the feminine and masculine energies and how together they become a powerful force that you can utilize to activate your receiving channels.
Clear limiting blocks that stop your receiving
This week is all about the receiving mindset. You will clear the blocks that stop your receiving by implementing new and powerful tools that will start activating that of what you intend to receive. You will learn about what truly means to receive and ignite that powerful force within you.
Accessing your true desires and passions
This week you will learn how to call in your desires fully and unapologetically. We will reveal the secrets to eradicate for good the "Who am I to receive? Complex". You will learn how to easily and effortlessly reconnect with your passions, so you can call in the desires of your heart.
How to ask unapologetically for what you want
This week you will learn step by step how to ask for what you want. Being unapologetic is an attitude and it requires certain skills that will be uncovered in this week's session. You will immediately feel the power igniting within you to go and claim what is meant to be yours.
The Law of Appreciation
This week is all about connecting with the energy of appreciation and gratitude. You will learn essential rituals that will support you to keep the ongoing connection to this powerful energy and how you can make them a part of your every day life.
Becoming the channels of receiving
This is the time to embody it all. You have done the work, you have cleared the blocks and you now have learned to be fully in tuned with the energy of receiving. This week you will learn how to sustain and expand the receiving energy moving forward and what you require in order to set yourself up for success in every receiving experience in you life.
Special Bonus
The True Beauty Guide consists of 5 short meditation audios and 5 PDF booklets filled with information that I've gathered throughout my own journey to feminine confidence, including my years of experience as an aesthetician. This guide will provide you with my best kept beauty secrets from the inside out -all the gems, tips, tools, and tricks to revitalize your skin, hair, body, mind and soul. It will guide you step by step, showing you how easily it is to apply them daily so you can connect with your feminine essence, which will support your receiving and claim powerful and long-lasting success in your business and life.
Investment only $197.00
You Don’t Have To Take as Long As I Did…
Receiving was a big struggle for me most of my life, and it took me more than 10 years of working through it with masters and teachers from around the world, read many books and participated in many courses for me to become the expert that I am today.
I truly desire for you to be easier than that, you seriously don’t have to take as long as I did to open yourself to receive the life you desire.
Every time I heard a woman struggling with receiving, I wanted to share everything I learned and to tell them that it wasn't hard at all to actually learn how to receive....This is why I created this course.
This is what I know, by going through this course, in less than two months, your ability to transform and receive YOUR desired life will expand beyond your imagination.
Are You Ready to Have It All?
I signed up for the Unapologetic Receiving Course because I was looking to find myself and connect with myself again on a much deeper level. If I'm being honest I completely lost myself and had no idea who I was and where I was going. I had just left a job that was personally and professional toxic and I wanted to start on my own path but I didn't know where to start, let alone what I wanted to create or if I was able to create it.. I was experiencing a strong disconnect, I wasn't able to get quite and "listen", I was feeling lost on so many levels and needed help! I was looking to transform me, my outlook and my lifestyle.
The process was lovely and content rich. A lot of self care, inner work, discovering, feeling and listening which I certainly wasn't used to and had lost along the way some years ago. The calls where informative and inspirational, the homework was easy to follow and flowed nicely from week to week. The Q and A's where just as helpful and inspirational.. Paula makes sure she takes the time to answer all questions but more importantly takes the time to make sure YOU feel complete with her response. Paula's also extremely active within the group Facebook group which I found to be extremely valuable. If you're looking for a coach that goes the extra mile, look no further Paula is your girl!
I now feel more at peace with myself and connected. I'm able to trust ME and actually allow myself to shine and be seen which I've never been comfortable doing. I now know what Unapologetic actually means and am able to put it to use daily and with that I say Thank you!
Jennifer Chioccariello
Boston, USA
I have had the pleasure of knowing Paula for several years now and seeing the way she has transformed her life is a constant source of inspiration to me. When I learned about her latest program on receiving, I was excited to participate. Since beginning this journey of Unapologetic Receiving, I can honestly say my life has been changing in the most wonderful ways. Learning to allow myself to receive and what it means to operate from the feminine have been invaluable lessons. I have seen the the positive results of this course in my work, finances and self-care.
Prior to this work with Paula, I was in an almost constant state of fear around money and not having enough. Having read many books on the power of words and thought, I already knew that focusing on lack only produces more lack but that wasn't enough to break the cycle that had been developed over a lifetime – knowing and believing are two different things. Paula's introduction of the feminine power was a huge turning point for me because, among many things, I learned that I receive better results when I allow instead of force, relax instead of obsess and care for myself instead of running myself to the point of mental and physical exhaustion. Allowing myself to acknowledge and receive my deepest desires unapologetically has been a game changer. I no longer see money as water in a glass waiting to be swallowed and never seen again but as an ocean constantly flowing in my direction easily, beautifully and without end.
Working with Paula has been a huge blessing to me and I am confident it will be to you as well, if you allow yourself to receive it.
Shana Parsons
New York City, USA
Yes Paula, I’m Ready to Be the Empowered Woman who Receives It All, To Have Success in my Relationships and Career and to Receive My Abundant Life!
Investment only $197.00
My Commitment To You
It is my desire that the Unapologetic Receiving Home Study Course is an easy “YES” for you, which is why I’m offering something I’ve never did before. I guarantee 100% money back on the program…if you participate fully and don’t experience any results. This means that you listened and actively participated on all the training calls, fill out the workbooks and apply the principles that I am teaching in the course.
This is truly a win-win for both of us. I am committing to give you the guidance you require to get step into your feminine in an empowered way, to be more connected to the woman you know you are meant to be, to feel more magnetic and attract new opportunities and people into your life. And YOU are committing to show up fully and put these principles to work from day one.
In the unlikely event that you reach the end of the 7-week course and you aren’t seeing any results in your life, simply submit by email your completed workbooks and a summary of your completed actions steps to team@paulalacobara.com, and we will refund your full investment. Super easy!
Investment only $197.00
I decided I couldn’t pass up on Paula’s Unapologetic Receiving Mastery Course because I wanted to be a part of her new community and be held in that group full of feminine intuition and support.
Paula makes it her mission to share the keys to receiving and having a full, happy life as a woman and she breaks down everything you need to know to transform your energy and create what you desire.
I’m so grateful to have Paula in my life and I recommend her courses for anyone looking to get unstuck and move into a more feminine mode of being. She has taught me so much about how to live and move through the world, with beauty and love.
Anne DeLag - NYC
Over the past year I carried with me the nagging awareness that I feel detached from the concept of receiving. When Paula offered the program I had to accept the opportunity to evolve my relationships with receiving. The program is loaded with content and learning but the first thing I receive is that stepping into my feminine is extending and enriching my experience and expression in the world and the freedom to choose to move into the feminine and play with my masculine and feminine balance is empowering.
Miri Scortzario – Oregon, USA
I wanted to know more about feminine and masculine energies and how to open up receiving channels since I didn't feel worthy of receiving in so many areas. Lots of clearing so far and realizing that I wasn't allowing myself to be successful in some areas of my life particularly work which up to now has had been in the masculine world of science. Now I'm learning to embrace my feminine side in work and at home.
Ros Bongiorno – Sydney, Australia
My experience with working with Paula at the Receiving Program was amazing and definitely the beginning of a beautiful journey. A journey where I learnt many new things. Like getting to know my feminine essence better and start using it more. I've been always so used to work and do without thinking that there is a better way and most important super powerful way of working.
As I said this was just the beginning of new way of working and the best part is the beginning of having a better relationship with myself. When you combine this 2 together magic happens 🙂
Agustina Palacio – Greenwich, NY
Q: How much time do I need to dedicate to the course weekly?
A: The weekly training calls are an hour long. During each call you, as it is a training call, we will be doing the work together following the workbook. The Q&A calls are about 1 hour or 1.5 hours. Of course, you will require to follow the guidance and apply what you will learn during the week, which doesn't mean that you need to do anything extra, just incorporate the teachings into your daily life.
Q: How long does it take to see results?
A: This work is proven to be transformational and there are many variables that influence the speed of your success with the Unapologetic Receiving Home Study Course.
What I can assure you is that as long as you stay committed to working, implementing and applying the exercises in the course, you will experience faster transformational results.
Q: What type of support will I receive during the course?
A: You have 7 recorded weekly calls and 7 recorded weekly Q&A calls with me. The private Facebook group is an open forum for all the women in this receiving community to support each other and my team monitor this group. Occasionally I peak and answer any questions or comments the community has. This is where the magic happens, as you allow yourself to actively participate, you will feel and receive the support you require.
Q: Is it a live course, or a home study one?
A: It is a home study course. All calls are recorded and made available to you to listen at your own convenience, together with the workbooks, which you can be completed at your own time.